Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Home Sweet Home

It's been a long time since I've posted anything.. but finally managed to edit the photos I took while I was in Romania.
The first pictures are from Cluj Napoca - an amazing city in the middle of Transylvania, where I've spend almost 6 years.

The next pictures are from the trip we took in the Maramures county - which is in the north west part of Romania, bordering with Ukraine. 
First we stopped at the communist prison located in Sighetul Marmatiei, where many intellectuals, politicians, artist, writers lost their life's.

Next stop was at Sapanta- at the Joly cemetery - a unique place in the world, where they mock the dead. Each of the grave stones has a funny story written on it about the one that passed away. In the same village it's also Peri Monastery dated from the 14th century. The new church that is being rebuilt on the old one, it's 87 meters high - making it the highst wooden tower in Europe.



  1. dor de casa cumva?
    a fost scurt timpul, dar a fost sublim ca ne-am intalnit si am petrecut ceva timp impreuna. :)
    apropo, cine merge des la Sapanta descopera ca anumite cruci au cam disparut, asta se explica prin faptul ca au fopst inmormantati altii in acel mormant, ori din familie si isi comanda cruci cu texte noi, ori ca nu si-au rascumparat mormantul si noii decedati ingropati acolo au si ei crucile lor noi. Defapt cred ca ar trebui sa fie cu regim de monumente ca sa nu se piarda vechile cruci si macar sa fie puse intr-un muzeu, sau ceva, caci sunt cu adevarat unicat si au ceva vechime....si desigur au apartinut primului artist cioplitor al acestui tip de cruci unicat, deja un alt mester i-a luat locul.
    Sunt multe de spus despre fiecare coltisor descris aici in imagini excelente de tine foarte frumos. Faina treaba. Felicitari.

  2. foarte faine pozele! ultimele sunt cumva de la pescaria Alex?
